So how is the South American biosphere linked with atmospheric circulation?
Plants can be considered the primary sites for the exchange of water, energy, carbon dioxide and other chemicals between the land and atmosphere and thus vegetation cover is an important control of the climate system (Bonan, 2008). Forests are seen to sustain the hydrological cycle through evapotranspiration (ET), cooling climate through cloud-cover and precipitation. The low albedo of tropical forests that would normally cause warming is offset by the cooling effect of ET. The high momentum of the hydrological cycle in the tropics results to about 40-60% of precipitation in Amazonia being recycled (Oyama and Nobre, 2013). (Tropical) forests are integral to the carbon cycle too – the Amazon rainforest is a net carbon sink if kept in healthy condition: and thus is expected to have a mitigating effect on anthropogenic global warming.
Due to the (sad) continuing pattern of land cover conversion from forest to grassland/pasture/crop-farms, research has explored the potential effect of this upon the climate. It is especially important to integrate the “climate services” of forests into climate change predictions of the future – but the complexity of interaction and impact-scale provide hurdles.
Here, I want to highlight the regional/local impact of the conversion of the Amazon tropical forest to pasture upon different climate variables.
A total precipitation decrease and an evapotranspiration decrease is consistent with almost all studies – highlighting the weakening of the hydrological cycle through deforestation (Hirota et al, 2011). The change induced to surface albedo through the land cover change is the important parameter affecting precipitation: following a proposition of Charney (1975), we can explain that increased surface albedo reduces local convection by reducing heatflux into the lower atmosphere, thus inhibiting the primary precipitation-generating mechanism in the Tropics (Hoffmann and Jackson, 2000).
One might argue that the reduced evapotranspiration (ET) stems from decreased moisture surplus (/reduced precipitation). However, a modelling study by Hoffmann and Jackson (2000), looking at the conversion of tropical savannah to pasture, highlights that reduced rooting depth, energy and conductance are responsible for reduced ET, as it is also reduced in regions with no absolute precipitation decrease. I found this very interesting, as it gives an indication of how biological and physical processes are interlinked on the ground, producing a common effect at the scale of the local climate.
Overall, precipitation seems to decrease to a larger amount than ET (McGuffie et al, 1995), indicating a reduced moisture convergence in the Amazon region under deforestation, which can translate to reduced runoff and renewable freshwater supply.
Pasture has higher maximum day temperatures than forest due to less energy used in evapotranspiration (Gash and Nobre, 1997), with the difference being more distinct in the dry season. Some studies (e.g. the much-cited Nobre et al, 1991) suggest that the increased temperatures together with the reduction in precipitation lengthen the dry season (which is almost negligible in natural tropical rainforest biomes). This works as positive feedback: the potential for forest burning is enhanced, as well as recovery of deforested areas prevented. An example of this is given in the paper by Pires and Costa (2013), who highlight North-Eastern Brazil and the Bolivian Amazon as approaching their “bioclimatic savannization” tipping point due to this positive feedback.
The 4 graphs below depict the results of only one modelling study, however show clearly the direction of the above explained expected changes to the Amazonian climate, would deforestation continue and replace all tropical forest with pasture/grassland.
Source: Nobre et al (1991) |